New York MATSim model

Development of an Open Source Multi-Agent Virtual Simulation Test Bed for Evaluating Emerging Transportation Technologies and Policies

Development of an Open Source Multi-Agent Virtual Simulation Test Bed for Evaluating Emerging Transportation Technologies and PoliciesPrincipal Investigator: Joseph ChowThe Need for a Novel Open-Source Transportation Model Transportation modeling requires substantial transportation data and time-consuming effort for operation and transportation management and policy decision analysis. Large-scale transportation model development is based on various transportation data…

A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Developing Effective Policies to Reduce the Impact Costs of Overweight Vehicles on Roads and Bridges

A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Developing Effective Policies to Reduce the Impact Costs of Overweight Vehicles on Roads and Bridges The Cost of Overweight Vehicles Overweight trucks and vehicles represent a significant cost to transportation agencies in all states. This is due to their contribution to the deterioration of road pavement and bridge decks and girders.…