Completed Reports TEMPLATE

Completed Reports Sustainability of Urban Consumption PracticesPrincipal Investigator: Sarah Kaufman, New York University Project Page C2SMART Urban Roadway Testbed in Brooklyn NYPrincipal Investigator: Hani Nassif, Rutgers University Project Page Development and Tech Transfer of an Integrated Robust Traffic State and Parameter Estimation and Adaptive Ramp Metering Control SystemPrincipal Investigator: Kaan Ozbay, New York University Project…

Development of a Data-Driven Optimal Controller Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming

Development of a Data-Driven Optimal Controller Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming Principal Investigator: Mengzhe Huang Background Considerable research has been conducted to improve the performance of individual vehicles and overall traffic flow with the goal of addressing two major problems in transportation: safety and congestion. In recent years, connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) with vehicle-to-vehicle…

ARISE students with mentor Abdullah Kurkcu

Student Events

NYU ITE Student Chapter Events All events have been cancelled in the light of COVID-19 pandemic. TBD [ai1ec view=”posterboard” ai1ec display_filters=”false” cat_name=”Student Events”] ITS/ITE-NYUVIPK-12 STEMStudent EventsPast ITE/ITS EventsITS/ITE-NYUVIPK-12 STEMStudent EventsPast ITE/ITS EventsPast ITE/ITS Events


Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE) This mostly virtual, seven week program includes: a high level, 5-week authentic research experience in participating NYU faculty labs, mentoring in that placement by a graduate or postdoctoral student, a stipend of at least $500 for completing the program, as well as two weeks of workshops, college advisement and…

Vertically Integrated Projects

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program The VIP program provides a multi-year, integrated approach to learning that emphasizes project-based, interdisciplinary, research-active education. It provides an opportunity to learn and practice professional skills while making real-world contributions. VIP Smart Cities Technology (C2SMART) This project-based course will form research teams that design and prototype technological innovations to address…

ITE and ITS logos


  ITE/ITS helps students to develop their networking skills and connect with professionals in the Tristate area   ITE Student Chapter The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs. The ITE-NYU is part of the ITE Metropolitan Section…

New Project Test Template 1

C2SMART LABORATORY Cool Project Title Using This Neat Computer Program I Made Firstname E. Lastname, Ph.D. (PI) Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Rutgers University Firstname P. Lastname, M.S Professor, Department of Civil Engineering University of Washington Background This is where the project background and other relevant information in a paragraphical form will go.…

Test News Post Page

THIS IS A TITLE THIS IS CONTINUING THE TITLE _________ THIS IS A PAGE SUBTITLE AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE NECESSARY TO COMPLEMENTING THE TITLE OF THE PAGE BACKGROUND This is where the news article or event can be explained further in a longer paragraph form. Describe the event, what happened, and its…