C2SMART Project Webinar: Monitoring and Control of Overweight Trucks for Smart Mobility and Safety of Freight Operations
The research team at Rutgers presents their work on Monitoring and Control of Overweight Trucks for Smart Mobility and Safety of Freight Operations.
This project attempts to establish a strong correlation between the increasing demand of truck load spectra and the deterioration rates of infrastructure systems. Data-driven bridge and pavement deterioration models were developed to quantify the cost effect induced by overweight freights to the New Jersey (NJ) highway infrastructure based on several parameters including inspection reports, national bridge inventory (NBI) data, and state-wide weigh-in-motion (WIM) records (Nassif et al. 2015). These models were embedded into an app called ASSISTME-WIM for the analysis and visualization of future damage scenarios due to overweight vehicles given their characteristics such as weight and travel route.